Our directory contains the list of duly licensed Real Estate Service Professionals sourced from various resolutions published by PRC-PRBRES on their website or publications released by PRBRES. Since the implementation of RA 9646 in 2009, we have compiled the lists of successful examinees or approved for registration (Grandfather’s clause) and carefully encoded to our database. We even have the list from DTI but we did not include the list in this directory especially those who did not availed the grandfather’s clause.
We compiled the list according to their respective real estate profession to reflect those who has multiple real estate licenses. Salespersons are compiled under their respective brokers but confirmation should be done with the listed broker or further verification from PRC if the salesperson no longer works with the listed broker. Salespersons only has a one-year valid accreditation and need to be renewed with their broker or if they moved to another broker, they need to inform PRC about it.