- PRC MARCH 2012,
- REB 14162,
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For Buyers and Sellers if you are looking for a Licensed Real Estate Service Professionals, please visit our other website: Read more
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Our list came from various resolutions issued by PRC-PRBRES through their website and from other publication such as souvenir programs during induction. We organized the list to make it easier for the public to search for duly licensed Real Estate Service Professionals.
All Salespersons are supervised only by their accrediting Real Estate Broker (Sec 29&31 RA 9646) and their accreditation is valid only for one year. Please check with the indicated REB if the SP is/are still under their management. Please make sure that his/her accrediting REB knows you are dealing with the SP for your protection.
For more discussion on this, Read more.
Our sources are from various resolutions released or published by PRC-PRBRES through their website: and from publication like souvenir programs during induction. PRC numbers of some REBs were also indicated on the resolutions showing approved Salespersons and some were volunteered by our colleagues who are members of our various social media groups.